Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What happens to the world when there's apath

Apathy: That's my subject today. It seems that the Republicans are using their powers of 'No' to block everything and anything in the Congress. There's no subsidizing someone who will continually blame everything on the other party and yet offer no support for any measures that need to be taken into account. Did the Republicans during Roosevelt's term also use this kind of tactic? That's when the major legislation, Social Security, and The New Deal were passed.

That was a time of crisis as is this age. We can't approach problems and solutions for the major events of our times with this kind of stupidity. We seem to be hurtling towards a real crises and the country is teetering on the edge of that precipice.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Finally. I learned the username and password for this frickin blog!! I may start posting some stuff on here in picture form.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

A Good Day?


I had a good day today. Went to UMASS Medical School and met some cool guys. I got a hot lead for a job.