Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Barack can still kick some in Texas

Barack Obama lost in Texas, but not by that much. He kicked some Texas ass in giving Hillary a run for her money. At one point last night, they were in a dead heat. Now we hear statements that Hillary might accept the vice-presidents job instead of the big one. Being the practical woman that she is, Hillary is lowering her sights to a more acceptable target. If I was her campaign advisor though, I would cut a deal with Barack asking to be Secretary of State, Defense, or Commerce or some senior position in the White House…maybe Chief of Staff. Her best outcome for this election is to cut a deal where she can come out…not so much the winner but the people's choice for a soft government job. Many people underestimated Barack Obama and his Kennedy-like appeal. He is the best of the best, the cream of the crop lawyer who became president of the Harvard Law Review. After eight years of a president who could barely spell 'constitutional', we might end up with a guy who can teach Constitutional Law. What a sea change in intellect between the current president and the future president. Even John McCain would be a more accomplished and intellectually captivating personality compared to Bush. Yes like Bob Dylan would say…'The times they are a chang'n'. How true that is.