Thursday, January 25, 2007

Monday, January 15, 2007

Today is really bleak

Gray skies and rain. That's on the menu for today. What's even worse is that there will snow and worsening conditions as a winter storm passes through here. I assembled my new daylight lamp as the old one broke again. The new one is more solid and has a wooden and metallic base that I don't have to worry about. This thing cheers me up when the long cold winter starts. So far it's been very mild but now things are starting to get back to normal with the cold.

On another note, I talked with Vitaliy and told him about Angela. He said that he's surprised that she has a girlfriend but said that he'll ask his wife to give her a call. I then called her and left her a message but I think I blew with this chica.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Is this Quincy?

Or is it Weymouth

Homeless woman at the mall

I have nothing against the homeless, but they can be unpredictable sometimes. The woman actually left after I took this picture so I'm wondering if she really was homeless after all.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

A disaster but saved from excess

The witch from the printer nightmare kept complaining and then didn't want me on the site. I was devastated but severely because she's a...rhymes with witch. I thought I could take the printer back here to fix but she refused. Now they are going to have to ship it back and see if they can get it working. What an ego devasting day!!! The only thing that saved me was that I did a VERY good job for my own personal client. He was very pleased and impressed and said so himself. The trick to life is to concentrate on the good news and ignore the bad. I'm just the opposite but I'm slowly coming around!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Printer Nightmare

Today I went to a place and had to install 2 printer maintence kits. The first one went OK and the printer worked fine. The second one was a nightmare and I ended up loosing a critical part (a spring) and then breaking a few plastic pieces. Luckily for me they weren't that important! The really bad news, if that wasn't the topper, goes like this: I thought I could find the same spring at Lowe's and then return in the morning to fix the rest of it. Lowe's doesn't have the part that I need so now I'm stuck! I have to either find that part or else I owe these people another printer tray. The moral of the story, if something is really beyond your abilities or talents, then just admit it and then move on. Don't get yourself mired in the quicksand of confusing printer parts!

Which door opens?

Does it go anywhere?