Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Rows and rows of books

I could spend all day here, and I do when I have no work.

Too many magazines

And a whole bunch of them have bikini-clad women, even the ones selling stereo equipment!

The Cafe area

Not much sugar-Free stuff

Carosel without any

nice design but it's not moving.

Empty food court

I wonder where all the Chrismas shoppers are?

They forgot my order

The fish fry place forgot my order, but they were sure nice about it later.

the beginning of a bad day

I went to this ladys house and noticed that her imac G5 did "smell" and I told her that it needed benching. The Compusa phone operator didn't agree with me. I had to close this out for $0 and go home.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

It's Odd how things work out

People will give you praise when your onsite and get the job done. It's when you go off site and the criticism starts, that things fall apart. I'm always appreciated when I'm at a site but usually kicked around a bit when I come off the site. Why? Who knows. I got a lot of praise by the supervisor on the site but did not get the same in return when it was time for the ratings system. This sucks.

Sad but Gross

There's a really gross picture of this little girl with a tumor in her mouth. It's disgusting but I feel so sorry for the girl. I wonder how she eats? Is there love out there for her?

Friday, November 24, 2006

My two addictions

One compliments the other

Here's my dinner tonight

I'm having lambchops for dinner.

Home sweet home

This is where the party starts

Fire station

And it's brand new.

Fast truck

Who would believe a truck could go by so fast.

Can't sleep this morning

I keep thinking of things that happenned in the past. Old hatreds and insults spring into my mind and I keep daydreaming through the morning hours. I haven't gotten up this early in a while but its a good thing. I'm heading for New Hampshire the whole day so I've got a big day planned.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Watching Star Wars

I haven't seen this whole movie in a while, which makes it even more of a blast. I'm looking at from a different prespective almost 30 years later. I,m trying to remember where I saw this movie when it was released. I think it was the theatre in downtown Worcester...they're ripping it apart today.

great eating place

This area was closed for months while it was re-desiged. Looks like it was worth the wait.

A funky new world

Can you believe that's the Christmas tree? This place has all it's own traditions. there is no turkey here, but then again Mohegan is built on Indian land. And they lost, right after they and the white man celebrated together.

The tower of glass

I wonder how long it took to build this sucker? I'm always impressed when I pass by this place.

Mohegan Suns finest

this is a shot of a restaurant at Mohegan.

On my way to mohegan

the roads are just as bad as my mood

A gray day part II

I am undecided as to get off my lazy butt, goto the gym and work out, and then goto foxwoods or mohegan. Probably I'll do neither and enjoy it!

no video but pics are OK

I tried sending out the video earlier but it just didn't work. It's just gonna be pics from now on.

video check

I want to see if this thing works

A busy bookstore

but not that busy when I came in

maybe I'm amazed at how this thing works

A gray day

I'm chilled though

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I lost my phone

Yesterday was a tough day. I lost my phone and then got into an argument with Ketan. We went to an Indian restaurant and a fellow patron threw up because he had 8 beers. What a day!